Kiko's Food News, 3.28.14

Whole Foods announced plans for a monthly fresh food market in one of the most impoverished areas of Southeast Washington, D.C.; I’m so interested to watch, as they will sell products at their regular prices in neighborhoods where unemployment rates are among the highest in the city: (Washington Post)

Butter is back on the healthy list, thanks to new findings that no evidence supports the notion of saturated fat increasing the risk of heart disease; there’s actually evidence that a lack of saturated fat may be damaging: (New York Times)

Since Wal-Mart gets more than half of its sales from its grocery departments, and low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele, we can grimly connect the company’s dip in earnings to the fact that their customers are getting squeezed by Congress’s cuts to SNAP and other financial assistance: (Los Angeles Times)

Home buyers who crave open spaces and fresh food are flocking to “agrihoods,” where being a good neighbor means putting in time on the farm: (New York Times)

The FDA said that 25 of the 26 drug companies they’ve asked to phase out antibiotics that promote growth in farm animals have agreed to comply; this clears a major hurdle in the FDA’s push to combat growing human resistance to antibiotics because of their overuse: (Los Angeles Times)

I’m halfway through The Meat Racket, a new book I highly recommend you peruse; it weaves the story of a handful of companies, led by Tyson, that control our meat industry in ways that concern animals, humans, and the social fabric of rural America: (New York Times)